

So, since blogger is giving my trouble changing my email address to my non-clemson email address, I have moved this blog.

It may now be found here

k bye!


beauty in the breakdown.

It is amazing what an iCal and a mattress can do for one's sanity.

I've been very overwhelmed the past few weeks, feeling unprepared and unmotivated. Unprepared because I have yet to pack, yet to purchase furniture, yet to figure out car stuff, etc. Unmotivated, because while I'm aching to be out of transition, there is that part of me holding back, wanting to stay in this life chapter, not wanting to move forward.

Saturday was my most restless day, and I reached a breaking point. I went into the basement and assessed all that I need to take with me, talked with my roommate and determined what we would need for the apartment, and completed my FERPA training online (*this is for my assistantship. It is basically the do's and don'ts of dealing with student education records). Then, Saturday evening, I opened up the iCal. I've resisted over the past couple of years despite KB's push for me to use it. I spent a good hour and a half sorting through all the emails my boss/the university have sent me over the past few months regarding different meetings and orientation sessions and put it all on my calendar. What a relief to have it all organized!

While I'm not too concerned heading out west without bedroom furniture, I knew that I needed to have at least a bed when I arrived. Anyone who knows me knows what a cheapo I am when it comes to money, so this was NOT any easy task getting me to lay down the big bucks for a mattress. But, I did it today, and the salesman at Macy's was nice enough to give me the Labor Day sale price a few days early. And will have the bed shipped and arriving in Seattle on the exact day I am fixed to arrive myself. How convenient.

There is still a lot to be done before I feel any sort of settlement (specifically the fact that I have to get there), but these little things have brought peace of mind for now. And of course, I have to remember how blessed I am to have the support of my friends and family right now during what it going to be a crazy transition. I love all of you!


Setting Out.

I'm ready for my life to get exciting again.

I think I'll start with a week-long trip to Charleston/Clemson tomorrow.


First Attempt.

This is my first attempt at using Garage Band.

Sorry if I make your ears hurt!


my ten.

1. Tonight I watched my mom laugh uncontrollably to the point that she was rolling around on my parents' bedroom floor.

2. My two best friends from high school, Cassie and Brianna, were in town for a long week and the three of us were able to spend the most consecutive time we've had together since Summer '07. This included a fun-filled venture to D.C.

3. I got to spend last night in Boarders with Anna, helping her pick out a book for summer reading, sharing with her books from my past, and looking through a book filled with the famous skylines of the United States and the World.

4. I have the support of my friends and family to move to Seattle come August.

5. I found out that I am able to defer my student loans for another two years until I am out of graduate school.

6. I get to start my days with morning coffee with mom.

7. The beautiful scenery that is Middletown that I get to play around in.

8. I've had time to rest and do a lot of reading.

9. My dad had been patient with me and is willing to school me in the ways of adulthood. Both my parents actually are doing such.

10. I am friends with Claire Hammes Loy and God uses her to remind me of the beauty and praiseworthy things he fills my day with.


Dinner at the Russell's.

Rockfish caught by Dad in the Chesapeake Bay, jumbo shrimp, corn on the cob (favorite summer food), etc. Second truly nice weather day since I've been home. Glad to spend it with family.


Beautiful Things.

All this pain

I wonder if I’ll ever find my way

I wonder if my life could really change at all

All this earth

Could all that is lost ever be found

Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things

You make beautiful things out of the dust

You make beautiful things

You make beautiful things out of us

All around

Hope is springing up from this old ground

Out of chaos life is being found in You

You make me new, You are making me new
