
she stood.

she stood face to face with love today.
When the morning sun hit her face. When the first cup of coffee touched her lips.

she felt the joy and hope that today brings to so many millions of hearts.
she felt clean. Washed and fresh.

All around her the earth was in bloom, the fields yielding to budding trees.
the cherry blossoms. the bradford pears.

In her ear she heard bells. Bells from the hilltop church, ringing forth throughout the valley.

she was among family and among laughter. suddenly, she blinked, finding herself inside the hilltop church- looking upon the eyes of her savior. Knowing it was his day, she smiled. the priest's thunderous voice made her smile. The mother in front of her, singing hymns into the ear of her infant child, made her smile.

another blink, and she found herself on an airplane, alone. She knew little of the place she is headed, but she knows that today she stood face to face with love. And this knowledge, she is certain, is all that really matters.

1 comment:

Reid Geyer said...

I'm holding you to it.