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Today, I reverted back to my sixth-grade self. I brought a book to school and read in between classes. No socializing, just reading and turn-paging. In sixth-grade I discovered the Harry Potter series. I read the first three books in a month. I was by no means an anti-social child. However, I can detest to the fact that it was this school year and this particular series that turned my already love for books into a temporary, somewhat unhealthy, obsession. These bounded beings consumed some of the most precious social moments a middle schooler has. Bus #417 ride. Homebase (Homeroom). The locker room before P.E. commenced. Lunch (well I multi-tasked during this, read, talk). Going off an estimate, I continued to read two/three books a month for the remainder of the year. I was enthralled.The book in hand today: A Walk in the Woods. Billy BrysonCurrent Thoughts: engaging, has pathos, logos, and ethos appeal, beautifully written.Current Irk: Last night, while reading, I was disappointed to discover that Bill Bryson did not, in fact, hike the AT in its entirety. When I began the novel, I thought this to be so. Imagine the bummage that now fills my soul.Current Hope(s): Bryson and Katz don't get into a car EVER again in an attempt to skip parts of the trail...for my sake. Also, that the book remains wonderful, regardless of the sad truth I uncovered.
A brief word before I commence with tonight's posting: the Juno soundtrack is making my life right now.So what else is currently making my life? How about life itself!? I'm currently an adventurous, inquisitive, almost20-year-old girl who is about 80 percent sure she going to uproot herself to a place, a life, whose nature and existence she is currently unsure of, but who is completely content and excited about this potentially scary and frustrating truth (Woah dang, what a run-on!). I'm tired of adults suggesting that we have a certain time table for when events in our now young lives are supposed to take place. If I were to follow this time table of sorts, I'd be a college graduate by the age of 22, a holder of a Master's by 24, married by 25-27, throw in some sort of career during these fresh-out-of school years, a mom by 28-30, a soccer mom by age 34, and so on and so on...Who says life follows such a timeline? As far as I'm concerned, I have plenty of time to allow this crazy world to call me forth in new directions. Granted, it's not a grand idea for one to be completely incapable of finding some stability, but why not jet off course if the opportunity beckons? I can find my way back when I'm ready.For now, I like to think I'm a temporary resident of Clem-diana-chapel-rague-ville...or something of that nature.Well, it was not my original intention to end this piece of eloquent prose on a tragic note, but I suddenly feel compelled to do so. I regret to inform the masses of the following: tonight, at exactly 11:54 p.m., I realized that I made a poor judgement call in purchasing Julian Lennon's Valotte vinyl over the late Christmas Break...he's just no John.
I had to cut the nails on my left hand down to the skin. And my fingertips are simultaneously calloused and peeling. Kind of gross, now that I'm looking at them. I have to be in hard-core practice mode though for the next couple of weeks, so I'll just have to tough it out. In the past 24 hours, I decided that I'm getting excited about the show, so hopeeefullyyy I can feed off that adrenaline for the time being.Today is a snow day in Clemson! University opens at 10 for 11 a.m. classes. I should still be asleep, but I've had to wake up every couple of hours to check my email in hopes of all my teachers cancelling class. End result: Success! Looking outside the window, I can see that Chandler had some fun with my car last night. There is a massive snow ball currently chilling on top of it. I can only guess it was Chandler because we already know he is responsible for the snow pile at our door last night. And finally, Kristin and I are headed to Nashville today! I'm excited, never been! Then we'll head up to Indiana for the rest of the weekend for the retreat. I'm anxious to meet Kristin's friends and get a look at how she spends her summers at camp. Should be a good time!Happy Snow Day People!
Back to grind. "Break" has technically been over for a weekish now, but considering the fact that I've only been in class for a day thus far, I say break ended today with class day #2.I got into a journalism class tonight, which at least gives me more of a schedule then the stupid Comm registration is allowing me. I'm trying so very hard not to be bitter about this whole potential, possible, right now probable, peacin out thing (I love alliteration). It's hard though. And I definitely don't want to be the griper...aka, the emo kid who won't stop complaing about the crappy cards he/she is being dealt. Not my style. So, keep me accountable people.Whether or not Clemson is fortunate enough to have me back this fall, my journalism teacher from last semester emailed me about a magazine internship in Greenville this summer. Her friend is launching a new publication called G Magazine; and Maya thought of me and another girl from my class as potential interns. While this would mean a summer in Clemson, it may be a good opportunity.Autre choses dans ma vie: finding a way to tackle six new books, basking in the awesomeness that is my record player, L&O- SVU with the roomates, and writing new music. Cool Beans.