
Recent Conquests.

Table Rock= 7.2 miles
Scooby (aka- I Poop Everywhere in the House) & "Asthmatic" Arthur (aka- I move a toe and I have the heaviest breathing known to man) Knutson= two weeks of house sitting hell with Anna. Minus a comfy bed and Jon&Kate Plus 8 Marathons.

Anna finished her Lego Eiffel Tower this morning!



Why do press releases for events always include the line "lots of food, fun and activities."

The activities are never fun. Just cheesy.

And why do Americans always need "food" to coax them to coming to events? Why won't we go to events if there's not food?




I work for the work days when productivity and happiness go hand in hand. The days when I'm reminded that I love what I am doing and that that is way better than receiving substanial pay. Money has time to sort itself out.

Every once in awhile I go downstairs at lunchtime to get a sweet tea and some baked lays. The bald-headed, bearded man typically takes my order. Last week, I was short 30 cents. He let me pay with what I had. Today, when I went downstairs, I fell into a sea of suits. Blue suits. Black Suits. Jacketless Suits. Red ties. Green Ties. Striped Ties. All men, all in suits. From his boat, the bald-headed bearded man threw his life-preserver into the sea and rescued me. He didn't just rescue me - because that in itself would not be a major accomplishment, considering I was a skirt-wearing girl- but actually knew who he was rescuing. He's finally caught on to my routine existence in his eatery. It kind of made me happy.

I was also reminded that I still don't understand what this "real world" is that we have been told to work towards since our youth. This so called "real world" that is supposed to bring us all the happiness and contentment we could want. This "real world" that the suits seem a part of. Because all I saw in this "real world" were mopey, tired faces on what seemed like a lot of overweight bodies. And if this "real world" is supposed to give us happiness and contentment, well...I just didn't see any. Except for brief moments of food-in-mouth. I just don't think I want to be a part of this.

As I left the parking garage this afternoon, I asked the toll man how he was. His response: little lady, each day gets better and better. As I drove off I couldn't help but think, "you're right old sir. you're absolutely right."

By the winding stream we shall lie and dream
We'll make dreams come true if we want them to
Yes all will come play the pipes and drum
Sing a happy song and we'll sing along
Everyone Everyone Everyone Everyone...



Hey I'm Kristin.. Kelly's super cool roomate for the summer. I'm writing Kelly's blog for her tonight. Today we went to Goodwill and found some sweet gear. That is all.



What is our fascination with black and white photos? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy taking them; however, I really would be interested if anyone knew why a black and white picture often has the ability to evoke more emotion or depth? Or why a photo can all of sudden be deemed "artsy" if switched to grayscale?

Maybe it has to do with distractions? All of the distractions that come with a color photograph- too much going on in the picture at one time. The black and white kind of simplifies the image, enabling the viewer to get to the heart of it quicker. Maybe...

The last couple of days, The Beatles' Let it Be album has been a frequent car companion of mine. I'm not sure why it hadn't hit me until the other day that this album has so much of a country influence. You look at how crazy an album like Sgt. Pepper's was, and it's funny to think Let it Be was a predecessor. I can't remember which song I was listening to the other day, but for some reason this very vivid image passed through my head of The Beatles as an Old-Time band- having a jam session in some run-down, middle-of-nowhere shack. All I could picture was John, sitting on a wooden porch step, tapping his bare foot as he played the banjo or something.

I bought my plane ticket to Prague yesterday, which means I'm officially Czech bound. Unless I acquire some life-threatening something or another over the next month...maybe another fire ant attack? At orientation in April, they told us to only pack about two weeks worth of items. I remember turning to Kristin with an "are they serious?" look, but I decided today that I'm going to listen. The Czech people place a strong emphasis on a simple way of living, and I want to embrace that as much as possible while I'm over there. Not that my lifestyle here is all that lavish, but you know.

'Rents are here. They're good.
And Happy 21st to A&K.


Introducing Maxamillion "Max" Samuelson.

We are very proud sisters/godmother.



In 2007, The Oxford American Dictionary named the term "locavore" Word of the Year. The word is often used to describe any person who chases after locally-grown food.

In today's fast growing "Green Revolution," a lot of society folk seem to be under the assumption that organic is the sole way to go. It is the safest, healthiest, environmentally-friendly food you can find. However, this is not always the case. For instance, in 2006, a large amount of spinach leaves from the E. coli recall were, in fact, organic. Further, it is likely that you may be eating organic products that originate in foreign countries, leading to a high environmental cost when it comes to importing the product to the United States.

In 2003, an Iowa State University survey determined that the average bite of food eaten in the U.S. has traveled 1500 miles from where it was grown to where it was eaten. On the contrary, they found that foods grown locally through special projects traveled an average of only 44.6 miles.
I am in no way suggesting that one should not eat organically. I am merely informing "the masses" that the next, and perhaps more logical, trend in the Green Revolution is locally-grown produce.

Local does not necessarily mean organic. Yes, they share much common ground, but when it comes to truly adding something to the Green Revolution, eating locally is much more environmentally friendly.
Why go local?

- Fresher, more nutritious (less transportation time from farm to store)
-Reduction of energy consumption
-Increase regional economic health (which increases local quality of life)
-Encourages a self-sufficient community (stabilizes food supply)
-Preserves biodiversity farmers (sell things that are hard to find in supermarkets)
-Preserves the rural character of the land
-Avoid post-harvest contamination (minimal or no waxes/fungicides)
+ better quality, better tasting, and YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOD IS COMING FROM AND HOW IT'S GROWN.

While eating locally can be a challenge for people living in certain regions, I do think there is a lot more value in eating local versus just organic. I'm proud to say Greenville has a thriving selection of local produce, as well as several restaurants/stores that promote local food. Further, we are home to two large farmers markets- Carolina First Saturday Market and Greenville State Farmers Market. And as far as the state of SC goes, the Certified South Carolina Grown Program is currently branding and promoting South Carolina products in stores, as well as working to ensure that restaurant menus incorporate 25% certified South Carolina grown produce and products in season.

While I don't think it's necessary to eat EVERYTHING local, it certainly is worthy of some attention.
Fun Fact- Locally produced food is one of the top food trends for 2008.



CassMac and I ventured to Happy Valley yesterday for a brief 24-hour shenangin with Cassie. Besides almost getting killed on the drive there (thanks to rain, a curvy road, and an a-hole driver who can't yield), the trip was a great one. This year, I've had the opportunity to visit a lot of my friends at their schools, and I've greatly enjoyed seeing them in their element. More so, I'm glad to see that everyone has found their appropriate niche.
It's interesting. Meghan graduated from high school on Tuesday and the memories of my own graduation couldn't help but resurface. I was particularly reminded of the day before graduation. All my friends and I had a picnic at the Middletown Park and I brought along a video camera. We each went around, describing what we would miss most about high school and where and what we saw ourselves doing in a few years. The video had your standard laughter and giddyness: "Hell yeah we're graduating, we're awesome, we're going places...but we're still going to remain tight!" Interesting, again. Because I look at where I am now, and I've only remained close with about three of those people. Not because of falling outs, but because time naturally called us onward. We couldn't fight it, nor did we really try to- we accepted it and embraced our unique transformation through life. Just as we were supposed to. And I like it this way. A lot.
As I've now come to learn, life occassionally brings about about certain people who are meant to stay close. When I think about who those people are in my own life, and how they are spread about various chapters in my life, I'm incredibly thankful. And right now, I'm also enjoying watching my sister discover who her "people" are, and anticipating those she is about to meet. I wish I could tell her how much she is going to change in the next few years, but then again, I wouldn't take the surprise away from her for a second. She's entitled to the same emotions, same learning of lessons, same new encounters as I had before her, except that they will be unique to her. All I plan to do is sit back, smile, and support her.


O is for Outstanding.

Hillary down. McCain to go.

Yay Barack!


In Response to K & C.

also, forgot to tell you two. somehow i managed to leave all my makeup in Greenville. i've been mascaraless and eye shadowless for almost a week now. but don't worry. i've managed to borrow some eyeliner from the mom/sister. also, i haven't blow-dried my hair in two days. these are two big accomplishments for me, no?


Bikes. Songs. Bikesongs.

I haven't felt this lonely in a long time. Funny how I can be surrounded by five other people at home, but still feel isolated from everything. What that "everything" is, I'm not sure, but I'm feeling it.
The past few days I've rekindled my love with bike riding. I've been riding my dad's semi-retro 90's mountain bike around Middletown about two/three times a day, and it's been great for the soul. This morning I brought the camera on the solo adventure.

how else have I been passing this time? writing/listening to songs. two songs written. and for some reason, the Beatles' "Revolution 1" has been on repeat today. it's beginning to make me feel a bit dazed.


There have been several occasions where I've had an itch to sit down at the computer and write something, only to rest my fingers atop the keyboard and watch them remain still. No movement. Nothing to say. So why the longing to write? Do I just enjoy hearing the individual clickings of each key coming together in frivolous typing? Is it the atmosphere I'm longing for- that calm, still feeling in the air, minus the dim music coming from my iTunes? Or perhaps I just wish I had something to inform the masses about, thought-provoking or not. Maybe I simply want people to remain well-read, feeling that my words are somehow helping this cause?

This early morning is one of these occasions. I have written about nothing, yet somehow, my fingers have managed to click out a brief 150ish-word entry to occupy a minute of your time.

Ted Trueblood- outdoor writer. conservationist. Idaho's finest.