
This Day in Age.

One month. That's all I'm down to. One month and I leave for 3 1/2. 111 days to be exact (the visa application made me figure that one out). It's funny, because with such a short amount of time left this whole adventure I'm about to embark on should start to seem more real, but it doesn't. I don't think my mind has managed to wrap itself around it at all, actually. Perhaps when I'm at home. Right now, I'm in what feels like a whole other place. Well I am, but you know what I mean. I'm still trying to finish things up in Greenville. I'm trying to live in the moment as best I can- before I can go on and think about my next big adventure. Because in a sense, my summer in Greenville has been like an adventure (I know right, who would've thought?). Just goes to show you don't have to venture far. I guess I should feel pretty thankful right now that I have the opportunity to do both.

In tying the above to my premise for writing tonight, I've been reminded a great deal this summer about the importance of living in the present moment. I know, it sounds like a cheesy line sung by a cheesy pop band/singer. Perhaps Vitamin C or some one. But seriously, there is depth to this. I feel like in the past few months I've listened to a lot of people talk about their futures- goals, plans, etc. And I know that I myself, tend to do a lot of this. I like to plan, even if it's all in silliness. I've been reminded that there needs to be a balance. I've tried to be a bit of a realist in that, I understand that you can't just live for the future. I don't want to spend my days so buried in my hopes for what will happen, when there is so much to be enjoyed and so much that is prospering right now. And in living this way, living "in the now," I firmly believe that it is going to make whatever lies in the future that much richer. None of this is to say that it's wrong to look ahead, hope ahead. Just that, again, balance is key- as well as a loose grip on whatever plans our minds are stirring up. Because it is but a rare happening when we are not re-routed, if only slightly, on our continuing journies.


Down on the Farm.

Hagood Mill- On Site for G Magazine Fall Fashion Shoot

The glamourous life of a stylist's assistant- prop holder and wild pig sitter.
Actually, I wanted to the hold the pigs. They were kind of cute, Wilbur and Little Red.

Yesterday I made "friends" with another parking garage toll employee. I'm sad to say I can't quite remember her name. It was weird- Uma, Oola, Yuma? The name exchange, followed by a handshake, was then followed by unexpected dating advice. She-who-can't-be-named asked me if I was married. When I said no, she preceded to describe several men she regularly sees coming out of the parking garage- down to what they drive and where in the garage they park. She was on a roll, so I kindly nodded and smiled- with an occassional laugh thrown in. I must have been stopped at the booth for a good five minutes...bless her heart.