

A most important excerpt from the Dalai Lama's statement "Instructions for Life in the New Millennium:"

Once a year go someplace you have never seen

I think I can do this.


He will be different after the adventure than he was before the adventure.

You will be different after the adventure than you were before the adventure.

The world will look different after the adventure than it did before the adventure.



I know so little
of the word I yearn to practice.

yes, so little.

I yearn to understand.

perhaps because I yearn
is why I do not understand.

because yearning is the opposite
of the word.



Pioneer Spirit.

American Gothic meet high-rise America. High-rise, executive America. High-rise, executive, rich America (well, I guess "rich" is up for current debate). Still the same pioneer spirit? Or has that spirit been altered? Are we still after the same essentials? Or have more "essentials" been added to the list? And is that American, pioneer spirit still iconic? Still recognizable to the world?


true aesthetics.

"Life before aesthetics."
Something to grow nostalgic of?

I'd like to think so.
Except that I'm still in that life.

I haven't crossed over yet.
I'm still simple.
Still cheap.
I find aesthetics in things other than the world tells me I should.
Nature. A road trip. Conversing with a stranger. A photograph.

Being unsure of where my life is going.

Yes. I'm quite content.
...in "life before aesthetics."