
Piazza, New York Catcher.

A brief word before I commence with tonight's posting: the Juno soundtrack is making my life right now.

So what else is currently making my life? How about life itself!? I'm currently an adventurous, inquisitive, almost20-year-old girl who is about 80 percent sure she going to uproot herself to a place, a life, whose nature and existence she is currently unsure of, but who is completely content and excited about this potentially scary and frustrating truth (Woah dang, what a run-on!).

I'm tired of adults suggesting that we have a certain time table for when events in our now young lives are supposed to take place. If I were to follow this time table of sorts, I'd be a college graduate by the age of 22, a holder of a Master's by 24, married by 25-27, throw in some sort of career during these fresh-out-of school years, a mom by 28-30, a soccer mom by age 34, and so on and so on...
Who says life follows such a timeline? As far as I'm concerned, I have plenty of time to allow this crazy world to call me forth in new directions. Granted, it's not a grand idea for one to be completely incapable of finding some stability, but why not jet off course if the opportunity beckons? I can find my way back when I'm ready.

For now, I like to think I'm a temporary resident of Clem-diana-chapel-rague-ville...or something of that nature.

Well, it was not my original intention to end this piece of eloquent prose on a tragic note, but I suddenly feel compelled to do so.
I regret to inform the masses of the following: tonight, at exactly 11:54 p.m., I realized that I made a poor judgement call in purchasing Julian Lennon's Valotte vinyl over the late Christmas Break...he's just no John.


Kristin said...

dear kerry,
1. guess what? i'm reading your blog again! yay!
2. aren't you glad i let you steal the juno soundtrack from me :)
3. i really like your one word city thing like the commercial...so creative my dear.
4. you are the best roommate!

Angela&Corey said...

Is KB starting to put things in lists because that's what we usually do? She is learning so much.

But anywho, I agree with you most definitely about rebelling against the timetable, I had a professor the other day comment on how he thinks everybody should take a year or two off at some point just to experience "things"... which I think sounds super great, I just don't want my parents to get upset with me or graduate later than 2015.