
Zoo Pics.

Back to grind. "Break" has technically been over for a weekish now, but considering the fact that I've only been in class for a day thus far, I say break ended today with class day #2.

I got into a journalism class tonight, which at least gives me more of a schedule then the stupid Comm registration is allowing me.

I'm trying so very hard not to be bitter about this whole potential, possible, right now probable, peacin out thing (I love alliteration). It's hard though. And I definitely don't want to be the griper...aka, the emo kid who won't stop complaing about the crappy cards he/she is being dealt. Not my style. So, keep me accountable people.

Whether or not Clemson is fortunate enough to have me back this fall, my journalism teacher from last semester emailed me about a magazine internship in Greenville this summer. Her friend is launching a new publication called G Magazine; and Maya thought of me and another girl from my class as potential interns. While this would mean a summer in Clemson, it may be a good opportunity.

Autre choses dans ma vie: finding a way to tackle six new books, basking in the awesomeness that is my record player, L&O- SVU with the roomates, and writing new music. Cool Beans.

1 comment:

Corey said...

Zoo Pix RULE