The day before that of my birth. Is it weird that I'm apathetic about it?
I have an urge to do something rebellious on my last day as a teenager. Looking back on these years, I'm having trouble thinking of any real acts of angsty teen rebellion I took part in:
Age 13: I went through a rap phase; refused to participate in Easter egg hunt at my house, or talk to the camera on Christmas; lunch detention with the rest of my class because everyone was talking.
Age 14: Still refused that Easter egg hunt or to talk to the camera
Age 15: Kissed a boy I wasn't dating; came home at 1am from Lauren's house (after "curfew"); my dad let me drive the car around a cull-da-sac without a license; silly-stringed the freshmen on our soccer team
Age 16: Fell asleep a few times during ASII
Age 17: Went to the dining hall with a few other camp staff members after lights-out to get food
Age 18: My friend pierced a third whole in my ear at camp (which I took out three months later)
Age 19: Visited the Newry Mill with some friends, which apparently is a "No Trespassing" zone, even though there are no signs (we didn't get in trouble though)
Wow, that's a pretty sad list if I were to ever, for some unknown reason, try and convince some one I was a rebellious teen growing up. I guess it's a good thing though. I like it that way. What can I say, I had nothing to rebel against.
Well, I'm going to go light a car on fire. (Seriously, kidding).
Let's see what my 20s bring about, shall we? Ahhhhhh my TWENTIES!?!?
3 years ago
I told you...steal a street sign, or jump in the pool naked. two hours until you are officially twenty...even though it has been almost two years that you were mentally twenty...nerd.
twenty!!!!!!!!! haha yea you were quite the rebellious one weren't you...that's ok i don't think i've done anything too significant either.
haha I loved this post. your memory is impressive, I dont think i would've been able to come up with that list. happy birthday though, welcome to the awkward year of existence.
also thank you for the comment on my blog. maybe i should just change my blog's name to "A Fresh Cup of Honesty". lol
Man if I tried to come up with a list I would write for days and days and days...or 2 minutes.
You're days of rebellion are only beginning.
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