I haven't clicked on a television since Sunday afternoon- unless you count watching The Paper online [don't make fun]. While I don't consider myself a television junkie by any means, I certainly enjoy the great American hobby of vegging out in front of the talking box every now and then. However, in the absence of television, and not that I'm counting this the only reason for these recent happenings, but I have managed to spend a lot of time in conversation with some great people. To name three:
Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson. Hands-down, absolutely wonderful people. Two nights ago I sat and talked with Mr. Sam for a good hour before I spent another hour talking to the two of them. And then last night I spent almost three hours just talking to Mrs. Sam. I really think I can learn a lot from them this summer and I couldn't be more grateful to them for opening up their home to me.
April- Assistant Editor at work. When I first met her back in February she was pretty quirky and kind of hard to have a conversation with. The first time we went out to eat it was pretty awkward, but over the past few months it has become easier, and especially this week, she's really opened up. We ate lunch today at SWAD, a hole-in-the wall Indian restaurant on the skirts of town and I'm happy to report their were no akward silences.
Three. Nice, sturdy odd number. I like things odd.
Anyway, it's all just been refreshing.

I'll close on a random thought: I went to buy a new toothbrush yesterday and started to ponder all the different toothbrushes I've had in my lifetime. I just think it's funny how I actually put thought into selecting a new brush, disregarding the fact that it doesn't matter, because in a few months it will be thrown away and I won't be able to remember it for its once-uniqueness.
uh. i wish i was there. the samuelsons are so great. you are going to have the best time at their house this summer!
vegging out in front of the talking box every now and then? please. you mean ALL THE TIME? :) just kidding. but i like your random toothbrush thoughts. sometimes i have thoughts like that and i wonder if anyone else thinks about things like that.
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