Negative Expectancy Violation- Prague Tram.

Me. Dressed in autumnal colors. Surrounded by Czech people- all in black. The #20 pulls up at
Malostranské náměstí. Standard. I begin to get on, only to be beaten by the black sea. The warning buzzer wails. I cram myself on at the last second. My whole self is completely smashed up against the doors. All around me, Czech people speaking Czech. I don't understand. I see my reflection in building windows passed by. I can't help but laugh at myself. So stiff. So vibrantly awkward. I am becoming more constricted, as the tram brakes suddenly. I look above my head. My eyes meet the metal bar. I free an arm and cling to it for life. My one relief. Finally,
Andel. A few "pardons" and I'm once again in open space. I run the four blocks and two hills home. Freedom.
Positive Expectancy Violation- Dresden, Germany.

I knew I would like Dresden, but I didn't realize how much so. Fairly small town. Not much too it. Still, it had an
aire. Baroque architecture meets communist remains. Warm and receptive people. Smiling. Laughter. Bikes. Parents loving their children. Unhurried/
unrushed. Patience. A good cup of coffee. Eager art, eager to unleash itself. Unafraid to share its past. Unafraid to look to the future. Content.
Observing Baroque stylings now, eh?
Come to Germany with me. I'm going to study abroad next year.
so here in australia lots of people wear neon colored clothing...kinda opposite from prague eh? haha. i'm so glad you had such a wonderful time in germany too :)
You need to wear orange everywhere. PJ Barker would be proud.
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