
go away sleep.

The night train whistle blows and I am back at my kitchen table.
HašLerky mug avec tea by my side. Irish tunes in my head.

I'm coming to anctipate these quiet early morning hours that have frequented me over the past week. Reading assignments have been in excess, and while these are nowhere near enticing, I like where my mind goes during this time (aside from rhetorical theory and discourse).

It pushes toward clarity, replenishes me with clarity, in fact--much like the early autumn wind that has replenished my lungs over the past few days.

The past month has unveiled a unique beauty found in quiet times and quiet spaces. The art of being still has never been easy for me. I've always prided myself on being an adventure-seeker, one who stands fearless against change and movement. But without the stillness I currently find myself in, so many aspects of my life might escape me. I mostly think of the people- the various communities and small circles I have drawn close to during this time. I also think of the opportunities I have had to expand my "artistic scope..." allotted time to read, paint, take photographs, etc. And most importantly, the chance to regroup spiritually.

Ironic though that in this stillness, there is still movement.
A lot actually.
Much is happening and forming before my eyes, despite the fact that everything seems to be in "fun size" form for the time being.
Then again, I have an incling that these "smaller creations," these smaller movements, will evently evolve into something bigger.

Until then, I attempt to sit quietly.
...at least I have HašLerky to keep me company.

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