
Rhythms for Foliage.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that this has been the most beautiful autumn I've experienced at Clemson. While rain has ensued on more than one occasion, the sun-filled days we have been granted have been fresh encounters.

No matter where you are, if you happen to be among fall foliage, I would suggest filling your ears with the following music as you roam streets, study in a coffee shop, or walk along nature paths:

-Sufjan Stevens "The Predatory Wasp from Palisades is out to get us" (an ode to my autumn freshman year...it has done the trick yet again)

-The Swell Season "When Your Mind's Made Up," (version accompanied by violins); "Alone Apart" "Drown Out..." Heck just everything off their first album

-Greg Laswell "High and Low" "Comes and Goes in Waves" "Farewell"

-Rosie Thomas...she's just always good (as long as she is singing and not speaking)

I realize a lot of this music is not very recent, but I assure you it will stir your soul.

Enjoy these beautiful days.

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