1. Read, A LOT. I completed 2 books this semester and am currently working on a third. I still have two more Irish lit novels I would like to read and then I'm not sure what is next. Any suggestions are welcome.
2. Paint MORE. I'm fortunate to be a part of the DCF Creative Team this year and that has placed art back in my life. Still, I will enjoy the opportunity to spend more time "creating."
3. Make my trip out to Seattle and Portland that I was supposed to take back in October, but could not afford. Current plan is for January. I have to go at some point to visit school so hopefully that point will be soon.
4. Develop my freelancing and photography as side income. I'm locked in with my former Journalism professor to start writing some features for her freelancing company once I graduate, and the whole picturing thing will be on me.
5. Take GRE and complete graduate school applications. Ugh. But important.
6. Take up a steady volunteer position. I was thinking at the Greenville County Art Museum, but I might now be thinking something in a more need-based area. I've come to the realization that I do little next to no volunteering and I'm no longer at ease about that.
7. Visit McClure's used bookstore, which I was recently told is "amazing." How I did not know about this I'm not sure.
8. Continue to write tunes.
...I hope I won't let myself down. It is easy to look to January and see so much time. And while I certainly have the ability to make choices that will, in turn, affect how much time I will have to dedicate to these things, I'm afraid I'm overestimating the freedoms that will come with not being in school. I will still have responsibilities, they will just look different- more financed based. I just don't want to become so absorbed in work that I forget these things of pleasure that I wish to fill my life with. Is that immature of my to say? I'm not sure.
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