after a rain shower, before a rain shower.
in the early morning when there are few people in sight.
the wind stirs and your face feels slightly sticky.
you hear bird calls and bees buzzing between trees.
oh, how beautiful it is!
i would proclaim is so, but don't want to disturb the peace
my air will be fresh out west,
but oh how i'll miss this.
leaves on the branches bobbing up and down
in rhythm to my creaking swing
back and forth, back and forth
i can smell the green
can almost taste its sweetness
this air is home, has been home.
a bit of blue peers between the clouds
adding a palette of different colors to the scene above my head
below my feet, the brown leaves of winter have given way to the grasses of spring.
the grasses of summer.
and while the Sound and so much grand and natural beauty await me out West,
oh how i'll miss this.
right now this is perfection. this is life-giving. this is my carolina home.
oh how i want to hug you, my carolina home.
1 comment:
ode to the good times?
How did the photo-essay/project turn out in the end.
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