

Sunny days, yay. Too bad sunny days= painful sunburns. It's been awhile since I've been this burnt. My wrists are blistered and my neck has an outline of my necklace, chain included. All I want to do is lay down...which is why I'm doing so right now as I type this entry.

Regardless of the sunburn, I do want to spend more time on the lake this summer. I realized, yet again, how much more I enjoy the lake than the beach- Kristin don't hate me. I love being near the mountains and the isolated, quiet sensation that surrounds you when you're out on the water. It's just one of those feel-good moments.
Now I will wait for Kristin's return home. According to her GPS, she'll be arriving in Greenville at 2:06 pm. It's 1:52 now so not much longer.
Random Thought: The Tootsie Roll Pop ad campaign "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" Who the freak cares? Should our society be considered pathetic since clearly it made people buy more tootsie pops, desiring to discover the answer? And, it really bothers me how the owl in the commercial takes the boy's lollypop and eats it. So now we're a society that promotes stealing as well as stupidity? Crazy candy company!
-Don't take this rant seriously, it's just an attempt at comedic drama-


Lauren said...

i like the random thoughts, i think they should be included everytime. and i feel you with the sunburn. ouch. i think i just finished peeling off my old skin that was so burned from 2 weeks ago. ew. and yes, i'm sure you're right about northern metro people. they just all seemed so grumpy. i miss hearing "honey-child".

reidgeyer said...

There is something very peaceful about the lake, and I think its a much better place to go "play" at. But I could sit on the beach and stare out on the ocean for hours. The beach wins in my book. As John Piper wrote, the greatest moments in life are those are self-forgetfulness, and to me that's never stronger than staring out on the ocean.

Angela&Corey said...

Lake wins for me too.