What is our fascination with black and white photos? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy taking them; however, I really would be interested if anyone knew why a black and white picture often has the ability to evoke more emotion or depth? Or why a photo can all of sudden be deemed "artsy" if switched to grayscale?
Maybe it has to do with distractions? All of the distractions that come with a color photograph- too much going on in the picture at one time. The black and white kind of simplifies the image, enabling the viewer to get to the heart of it quicker. Maybe...
The last couple of days, The Beatles' Let it Be album has been a frequent car companion of mine. I'm not sure why it hadn't hit me until the other day that this album has so much of a country influence. You look at how crazy an album like Sgt. Pepper's was, and it's funny to think Let it Be was a predecessor. I can't remember which song I was listening to the other day, but for some reason this very vivid image passed through my head of The Beatles as an Old-Time band- having a jam session in some run-down, middle-of-nowhere shack. All I could picture was John, sitting on a wooden porch step, tapping his bare foot as he played the banjo or something.
I bought my plane ticket to Prague yesterday, which means I'm officially Czech bound. Unless I acquire some life-threatening something or another over the next month...maybe another fire ant attack? At orientation in April, they told us to only pack about two weeks worth of items. I remember turning to Kristin with an "are they serious?" look, but I decided today that I'm going to listen. The Czech people place a strong emphasis on a simple way of living, and I want to embrace that as much as possible while I'm over there. Not that my lifestyle here is all that lavish, but you know.
'Rents are here. They're good.
And Happy 21st to A&K.
3 years ago
"There are a lot of photographers that prefer black and white because the world changes when it is in black and white. If you really want to define a subject’s form, then switching to black and white to take that photo will emphasize all the details you miss in color. When there is a distinct contrast, with dark shades and bright light you’ll be able to see things you didn’t really see before.
Black and white is particularly good if you like working with abstract. The black and white medium lends itself to abstract forms because it removes color and in doing so shows the graphic elements of the photograph. This then gives us the opportunity to explore the subject a lot more closely and in depth."
-Amy Renfrey.
I like black in white lots of times honestly out of laziness. Instead of taking the time to get the color correct, I just change it to B/W and suddenly I have a lot less to worry about. But I agree, I hate the "it's in black and white so it's artsy" concept.
yay prague is official!!! and i think i'm going to pack for...3 weeks. 2 just seems to little. i don't know maybe i can do 2? we'll see. maybe sallie knows what shes talking about lol.
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