I don't think I prepared myself well enough for the day-to-day change in homesickness level. Some days, I'm so ecstatic to be here, amped on life, yadda yadda yadda. And other days, I want nothing more than to be back in Clemson, back in familiarity. The shift in homesickness level can be sudden, as it has been over the past couple of days. But, just as quick as it came, today is was lifted once again.
I had every intention of visiting the *free* Czech Museum of Fine Art this afternoon. But surprise surprise, I found myself lost. And where is that oh so special place that one somehow always manages to end up at when they are lost? That's right. Old Town Square. It never fails. Normally I am frustrated and annoyed by this pattern, but today the square provided me with the revival I needed. My awakening? The Salvador Dali exhibition. It's one that I've wanted to stumble into since I arrived here (though, mind you, I knew little about Dali other than his surrealist melting clocks), and today I finally decided to drop the 70 czk to go in. It was well-worth the koruna (moulah), because I found myself challenged by his work. In order to obtain any message, you have to expand your mind and think. As with all art, each person that looks at a work can grasp a completely different meaning. It's as if Dali was allowing me into the creative process. As homesickness set in the past couple of days, so has discouragement about why I chose to come to an unfamiliar place, and not only that, but on my own. But like I said, Dali's work brought me relief today. It is reminding me that I am looking at this experience too concretely. I'm fixated with the things that are making my days here so standard. I need to look deeper. There is so much more to this city than I'm seeing on the surface (school, Bohemia Bagel, unhappy tram riders, Tesco...). I need to search for that alternative essence- I need to feel Prague in ways I haven't already done. I need to discover the obtuse and trust it. I have the opportunity of a lifetime to make Prague my own. So it's time I set the ordinary aside, and start repainting this picture.
Today was arguably the most beautiful day I've experienced in Prague yet. While we had many a nice day when I first arrived, those days brought along heat. After leaving the exhibit, feeling newly awakened, I walked down to overlook the Vltava River. I sat down and sketched the scene a bit (mind you, I'm not artist, but I tried). I then proceeded to walk the couple of miles home, paying close attention to details I seem to pass over on a day-to-day basis. I watched people more closely, I wandered up alleyways, I read posters (well, sort of. They were in Czech). I payed attention to decorative details on buildings and restaurants. I stumbled into a bookstore...
And finally, my day has come to an end, at almost 6 in the morning, having just come home from watching the Presidential Debate. A new favorite hangout, The Globe, broadcasted the debate from a movie screen beginning at 3 this morning. It was a unique atmosphere, probably the most non-CEA Americans I've been around since my arrival. The majority of the room were clearly Obama supporters, though a few drunk Republicans managed to voice their stance. Coffee was served, hence why I'm wide awake and blogging at this atrocious hour, as was popcorn (?). Allie and I took the metro home at 5, where it was reiterated that Pragians (my word) are crazy and don't ever sleep. At 5, the train was comfortably filled with people, some of which had shopping bags. Shopping bags!? Where do you shop in the early a.m.!? Oh well, you gotta love it.
Endnote: to anyone reading this that has sent me a message, whether via email, skype, or facebook, in the past few days, thank you so much. It meant a lot to hear from each of you and helped me feel better. You're loved so much, so much!
3 years ago
Culture shock?
Drink it off.
Just kidding. Start running, maybe? Keep sketching, though, I would like to see these when you get back (and you will be coming back).
yes the homesickness is the weirdest thing i've ever experienced. it is so bizarre how it comes and goes. some days are bad and then other days i am so happy to be here. crazy i know. but i understand EXACTLY what you're talking about. love you!
you should post your sketches. i love kelly art.
and i do understand your homesickness to a degree. although i was not in a foreign country, i missed the familiarity of clemson/home so much - but then other days i loved being in a different city and doing my own thing. it's a weird up and down cycle. on those tough days, i would tell myself "there will never be a day exactly like today" and it pushed me to focus on where i was at that very moment. i love you & miss you but you are in freakin' prague! sounds like you're enjoying it. :)
i love you kelly.
longer one to come.
i just know you hate me because i haven't written you once yet.
miss you terribly.
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