
Constant Flow.

I go to bed too late on school nights. I'm going to be sad next year when I have to leave my current living situation. I'll be 20 in April and that is crazy. I've been searching for some sort of adventure(s), and I think I'm finding some good ones. I decided to adopt Athens as my city, even though I don't go to school there. Czech is a hard language and I'm going to be real confused real fast in Prague. Cassie and Brianna, hands down, play the best pranks on me, even if they make me cry. I currently have song-writer's block which is bothering me. I'm frustrated that I feel like I'm not being challenged as much this semester (COMM 300- watch movies with no relevance to international communication class). I have three European excursions with three different people(s) that I have to take before I turn 25. Speaking of Europe, I'd give anything to be dining in a certain Italian restaurant in Brussels right now. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The TCM channel will make a mesmorized grandpa out of anyone if they give it a chance. Today, I counted 32 ipods on campus in a span of 10 minutes...for Clemson this is amazing. The seriousness of prayer. I can't wait to see my sister in two weeks. The Phantom Tollbooth. My grandma needs to get better. Money is stupid. Is that ignorant to say? I really enjoy the music I listen to. Golden Eye. Garden State. Study Abroad applications. SPRING! Am I going to be able to visit home this summer with my internship in Greenville? I want a dog. I'm really happy right now. I feel a need to get rid of all my STUFF (Thanks DCF). I wanted to blog tonight, but I'm having difficulty putting together words that would essentially intrigue you, the reader.

I'll end on this: Does it bother anyone else that the above is basically what our minds looks like in word form? Crazy jumbled, messy and out of order!


Introducing Alex...

Sometimes I bother my roommate. This is a typical reaction:

Stories from the weekend + Monday:
>Girl Talk= Amazing. Basically a rave without the drugs...unless free Redbull and ring pops fall into this category.
>The newest addition to our apartment is a Nintendo 64 which was joyfully welcomed by Lauren, Alex, and I. Kristin has yet to play.
>My awful Julian Lennon record, thanks to Reid's creative genius, became my new stratch board.
>My computer fan busted last night, prohibiting me from accessing my visual comm notes in their entirety (from which I needed to study for the exam). This resulted in a late night/early-morner. Thanks Crappad.
>The full-on detox only lasted 24 hours...I gave in to the lack-of-sugar headache with two cookies and a glass of sweet tea. I'm still going to be conscious of how much processed food I'm eating (no more Lean Cuisine's), but let's be honest, I don't eat too too terrible to where I need to be on a strict pita and lettuce diet.


Foot Washer.

After lunch, I went with Paul (art director) down to Falls Park to sit (stand) in on a photo shoot for the magazine. I walked from the top of N Main St. in Greenville down to the park in heels, which wasn't too terrible. However, walking back up, not so much fun. I gave up and went hippi after about five minutes. I ditched the heels and walked barefoot the rest of the way. Is this unfeminine and un-sophisticated of me? I passed a few Bob Jones students on the way up and they looked at me funny.

Point of the story> getting ready for bed a few minutes ago, I washed my feet in the shower, and I must say that I understand why J.C. felt it was a kind gesture to wash people's feet, apart from the spiritual symbolism that went along with it. It really is somewhat of a purifying experience to have your feet washed. All is wonderfully right with the world!

Ok I'm weird, sorry. Um, GirlTalk tomorrow night, can't wait! bye.



Tonight I watched an Animal Planet program about preserving the mountain gorilla population in Rwanda, Africa. Natalie Portman was the host, which was kind of funny, but it was quite engaging. Did you know that up until the 20th century, the only people who knew about these gorillas were from the remote jungles of Rwanda/Uganda? Andd, by the 1970s, the population of mountain gorillas had decreased to only a few hundred. This was primarily due to land development. I find this incredibly sad, no joke.

I would love to be some sort of conservationist. It fascinates me how such people dedicate their whole lives to a particular passion, such as gorillas, reap an abundance of personal knowledge on the subject matter, and then attempt to foster that knowledge into the rest of the world's ignorant minds. They are persistant, no matter how little their voice in the grand scope of the world may be...you know, among the "more important" issues such as Britney Spears' next rehab visit. These people have a very specific purpose in life, and to me, represent some of the best qualities a human being can possess. Granted, you occassionally run into the extremists, but don't we have those in all aspects of society (a.k.a angry, pie-throwing PETA members)? The good conservationists are dedicated and driven, culturally tolerant, well-read, curious thinkers, adventurous...the list goes on.

Anyway, just something that came to mind. Let's be like the conservationists! Unless of course there is another "ist" you'd rather side with.

PS- Congrats to my pal Barack who dominated in my homeland today.



Ok, so I guess the video blogging is kind of fun. However, I certainly don't want to disregard the written word.

Something cool I forgot to mention last week. Uncle Jerry (aka my Persuasion prof...don't ask why we call him this) showed us a hidden symbol on the keyboard. If you press ALT 8253 on the number pad, you get what is called an Interobang: Now, the sad thing is that it only seems to work on an actual keyboard, not a laptop, which I know does nothing for us college kids who have left behind what was once known as the desktop computer. Nonetheless, I think it's a cool symbol. It works for people who like to excitedly ask questions.

Oh, and Kristin and I are going on a de-tox diet next week to cleanse ourselves from the evil toxins in our bodies. Why you ask Because Oprah said we should.


We'll See How This Goes...

My sister and I, along with our friends, used to love using the filming device. We made talk shows, makeover shows, news programs, commercials... Looking back on that impressive creative energy, I fear I've lost my touch to engage a similar audience: aka, a few good people who are kind enough to care about what I have to say. This used to be my parents, now it's my friends. Thanks guys.

Oh well, life goes on! Isn't that right Mr. Mellencamp?