
Introducing Alex...

Sometimes I bother my roommate. This is a typical reaction:

Stories from the weekend + Monday:
>Girl Talk= Amazing. Basically a rave without the drugs...unless free Redbull and ring pops fall into this category.
>The newest addition to our apartment is a Nintendo 64 which was joyfully welcomed by Lauren, Alex, and I. Kristin has yet to play.
>My awful Julian Lennon record, thanks to Reid's creative genius, became my new stratch board.
>My computer fan busted last night, prohibiting me from accessing my visual comm notes in their entirety (from which I needed to study for the exam). This resulted in a late night/early-morner. Thanks Crappad.
>The full-on detox only lasted 24 hours...I gave in to the lack-of-sugar headache with two cookies and a glass of sweet tea. I'm still going to be conscious of how much processed food I'm eating (no more Lean Cuisine's), but let's be honest, I don't eat too too terrible to where I need to be on a strict pita and lettuce diet.


reidgeyer said...

This made me laugh a lot. For being so late. I needed this video. Though I'm sorry that Alex had be tortured for this.

Your sacrifice did not go unnoticed, Alex. Your country thanks you.

Unknown said...

kelly. i dont like you.
at all.
you will pay.
take this down, whore.

Kristin said...

I love Alex sooooo much. She is precious! I am going to miss being her roommate when I'm in Australia next year. All of her quirky ways and silly habits!

Corey said...

HAH. This is funny.

Isn't she aware that you bruise easily?