
Foot Washer.

After lunch, I went with Paul (art director) down to Falls Park to sit (stand) in on a photo shoot for the magazine. I walked from the top of N Main St. in Greenville down to the park in heels, which wasn't too terrible. However, walking back up, not so much fun. I gave up and went hippi after about five minutes. I ditched the heels and walked barefoot the rest of the way. Is this unfeminine and un-sophisticated of me? I passed a few Bob Jones students on the way up and they looked at me funny.

Point of the story> getting ready for bed a few minutes ago, I washed my feet in the shower, and I must say that I understand why J.C. felt it was a kind gesture to wash people's feet, apart from the spiritual symbolism that went along with it. It really is somewhat of a purifying experience to have your feet washed. All is wonderfully right with the world!

Ok I'm weird, sorry. Um, GirlTalk tomorrow night, can't wait! bye.


Kristin said...

You wore heels! Yay! And you are always welcome to mine in my closet anytime friend :) I also endured the pain of wearing heels last night for an extended period of time. Quite painful let me tell you...I think the soles of my feet are a little bruised. They still hurt this morning!

And on the foot-washing thing...every summer at handycamp before the campers come the directors and interns all wash the companions feet as a symbolism of humility and serving others. It is always a neat and humbling experience. Quite the lowest of low jobs and to think Jesus did it for all his disciples...

Heather said...

so... you are quite an insightful little girl my dear kelly. I am curious to how your entire internship experience went. You shall shall tell me.

Anonymous said...

kelly, you'll have to explain this magazine shoot. are you doing some journalism work?

also, i figured out how to add links to other blogs! :)