
We'll See How This Goes...

My sister and I, along with our friends, used to love using the filming device. We made talk shows, makeover shows, news programs, commercials... Looking back on that impressive creative energy, I fear I've lost my touch to engage a similar audience: aka, a few good people who are kind enough to care about what I have to say. This used to be my parents, now it's my friends. Thanks guys.

Oh well, life goes on! Isn't that right Mr. Mellencamp?


Corey said...

Ahaha... what a fun angle. I like the head-restin-on-chin pose too.

But this was wonderfully great, fun, etc. MORE.

Kristin said...

hahaha So I thought you said you weren't going to put it up since it was "awkward" by yourself...and we were going to do one together?? Well I think I would rather just walk across the living room to chat anyways.

reidgeyer said...

Now there's five people. I really enjoyed reading this tonight. Keep it up!