I would love to be some sort of conservationist. It fascinates me how such people dedicate their whole lives to a particular passion, such as gorillas, reap an abundance of personal knowledge on the subject matter, and then attempt to foster that knowledge into the rest of the world's ignorant minds. They are persistant, no matter how little their voice in the grand scope of the world may be...you know, among the "more important" issues such as Britney Spears' next rehab visit. These people have a very specific purpose in life, and to me, represent some of the best qualities a human being can possess. Granted, you occassionally run into the extremists, but don't we have those in all aspects of society (a.k.a angry, pie-throwing PETA members)? The good conservationists are dedicated and driven, culturally tolerant, well-read, curious thinkers, adventurous...the list goes on.
Anyway, just something that came to mind. Let's be like the conservationists! Unless of course there is another "ist" you'd rather side with.
PS- Congrats to my pal Barack who dominated in my homeland today.
Ok, can we get that gorilla for our apartment. i want to hold it.
And, Barack dominated our homeland because our homeland knows what's up.
Animal planet should be on our TV more.
God is Love
rev run
You asked for comments, so here goes.
I'll admit. I've never cared much for conservationism. I always hated biology class, and maybe it stems from that. I don't hate the environment by any means, but its just something I can't get excited about.
They say you need to see someone passionate about something before you can be passionate about yourself. Perhaps I need to hang out with more conservationists.
But here's one contention I have with the environmental crowd. Saving trees or a species is great, but how can you justify working on that when there are other problems going on in the world involving human lives?
With AIDS, poverty, and malnutrition going on in Africa, how could you choose to make your passion an animal?
I don't mean to sound cynical. I'm sure there's a justification, but what is it? Is this a part of being good stewards of the earth?
Secondly, why do you like Obama?
I didn't mean for this to be this long. But I'm looking forward to your response. We'll take the blog to the next level.
Oh Kel...hmmm monkeys? Well I guess you can go ahead and help them if you like. That would be nice of you. But I still think you are a really really good writer. Maybe saving the animals could be your hobby? Good luck with all your endeavors roomie!
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