This blogging thing, I've decided, is going to take some damn good discipline on my part.
Last week I went to see Nada Surf in concert down in Good Ol' Athens (due to my college "town's" lack of a quality music scene). I could go on and on about what an amazing show it was, but I wouldn't think of trying to make anyone jealous, so let me just reflect on an observation I made during the show.

There were, of course, the trashed and/or stoned, who swayed back and worth, happily dazed and confused.
There was a boy jumping so high off the ground I thought he was going to stumble onto the stage in mid-air.
A girl jirating side to side in a very teeny-bop manner
The composed, gently tapping their feet on the ground or drumming on their thighs
The head-boppers
The head-boppers
The air drummers/air guitarists
And those, like me, who were all over the place...a combination of all these individuals (minus the jirating thank you.)
I smiled watching these individuals and it got me thinking. I found it interesting how each person reacted uniquely to the same song. Each person seemed to create their own world in which they, and they alone, were engaged in the music. We each picked out our own rhythm to act out through our movements. And seeing these movements come together in one big mess, was beautiful, because even though it was a mess, it had character, it had life, it had energy, and in a weird just worked.
This is life. All of us, together, dancing to a different beat. We collide, bounce off one another, feed off other's energy. It's chaotic and can be overwhelming at times, all the different people...race, ethnicity, values, taste, style, personality...the list goes on. But if you really think about it, that overwhelmingness is creating a culture. It forces us to interact, forces us to turn to our side and get to know the unknown. It's just good for the soul!
A big beautiful mess...just embrace it people.
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