Here is some advice to play a prank on someone:go to youtube.com and type in ghost car and click on the ghost car add and don't let the person see what you are tyeping in and cover the top were it says ghost car add cause then they will see that it is a scary thing then just wait for the fun to begin and the person will think that it is going to be a lovly car but then ahhhhh! A ghost pops up it will scare them a lot. Oh yeah and tell them that you want to show them a really cool car and they will think that it won't be scary but then ATTACK OF THE CIVIL WAR! Next i want talk about Elf a very funny movie "bye buddy hope you find you dad". Yes it is very funny but it can be very sad hold on i need a moment.........ok sorry i was just crying. Now the moment you'v been wating for its Soilja Boy Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Soilja boy up in the oh watch me crank it watch me oh so why do you crank the soilja boy why do you crank that soilja boy! My friend Brandon taught me that! Finally I LOVE REGINA SPEKTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh the innocence of children. It's pretty sad that 4th graders are listening to Soulja Boy. My sister is weird, but I love her.
I love her
(and you... duh.)
Anna already seems to be showing signs of great writing talent...at such a young age! Maybe she gets it from her sister...hmm. I NEED to meet her now Kelly...NOW! (and meghan too!)
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