
To Be Thankful.

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving? My mom and her silly comments. And my dad's ability to make fun of her.
Me- "Mommy, why aren't you more of a domestic mother?"
-"What, would you rather me be sitting around baking pies all day or bettering myself as a human being!?"
In talking about her final project for her design class...
Anna- "Mom, was anybody else's board in the class as nice as yours?"
Looking at a decorating magazine in our kitchen...
Dad- "Oh look, the newest word in the decorating world is 'twist.' I guess you'll be using that along with all those other stupid words like 'yummy.'"
- "You just don't understand design lingo. I was in a store the other day and a male designer said 'yummy.' It's just artistic. You have lingo in your field."
Dad- "Yeah. 'pump.'"
- "Oh you know what I mean!"
Dad- "Hey Bridget, guess what!? I sold a yummy pump today!"

Dinner at the Gaudreau's tonight, good time. After 11 years, they really have become family.
Looking forward to a day of shopping tomorrow.

1 comment:

Corey said...

that was yummy